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  • You might have noticed that your words come out more smoothly when you sing. We're not completely sure why this is, but there are a couple of theories:

    • The rhythm and melody of music may provide a predictable pattern, which helps the flow of speech.
    • Different parts of the brain are involved in singing versus speaking. It may be that when you're singing, you're tapping into a different area of your brain that helps with the smooth production of speech.

    We're waiting for more research to better understand what is going on in the brain when people stammer, including when they sing. We'll be sure to let you know if we hear of any interesting findings. 


  • Young people and families often wonder why some children stammer when they talk, but the answer is a bit tricky. We don't have a definite answer yet, but we think there are many things that can cause someone to stammer. 

    Scientists have been studying this, and they think two things might be important:

    1. Your Brain: They've looked at how the brain works, and they found that the brains of people who stammer are a little different. But they're not sure if these differences directly cause stammering in children.

    2. Genes: Stammering seems to run in some families, so it might have something to do with the genes we inherit from our parents. But scientists don't know exactly which genes are involved.

    Now, let's talk about things that can make it more likely for a child to stammer:

    • Genes: If someone in your family stammers, you might be more likely to stammer too.
    • Being a Boy: Boys might be more likely to stammer than girls, but it can happen to anyone.
    • Language Skills: If it's hard for you to find the right words or put them together when you talk, it can sometimes make you stammer.

    But remember, there's no one thing that makes a child stammer. It's like a puzzle with many pieces, and scientists are still figuring out how they all fit together.

  • Stammering can change as you grow up, and this might have to do with a few things like how children learn language, their hormones, and the fact their brain is developing. It may also be connected to  changes in what they are expected to do at school and their social life, which is all part of growing up.

    As children get older, they keep getting better at using language. At school age, they start using more academic words, sharing their thoughts in class, and making new friends. When they become teenagers, the words they use in school become even trickier, and they're expected to do more public speaking and argue convincingly in class. Plus, they might feel more pressure from their friends and become more aware of their speech, which can make speaking in social situations feel a bit worrying.

    Sometimes, when young people are going through all these changes and learning new things, their stammer might become more noticeable because there's more pressure to speak clearly about complicated stuff.

    We're still learning more about stammering and how it works, but these are some of the reasons why a child's stammer might change as they grow up.

Stories from our Stambassadors

Our Stambassadors

Stammering isn’t something that should stand in the way of your dream career or prevent you from studying your favourite subject at college or university. In this section, adults who stammer share their own journey into their chosen industry.

More about Stambassadors
Simon Martin, Investment Management Lawyer
Nick Fischer, Property Lawyer
Craig Beaumont, FSB
Matthew Hassell, Project Manager


In this section, we’ve added some resources that you might find helpful in understanding stammering and spreading awareness amongst your friends and family.

Find out more


We run a number of projects for young people who stammer from mentoring to residential therapy courses. These projects offer the chance to meet other young people who stammer and ensure that young people have a voice in the charity and wider stammering community.


The ASC Youth Panel

Join the Youth Panel

The ASC Youth Panel is a group of young people aged between 15 and 25 who live all over the UK.

The Youth Panel is a great way to meet other young people who stammer and to work with the charity to improve awareness about stammering in your community. 

The Youth Panel